In Which I Confess I Like Warhammer

Hi friends! Thanks for being so kind about my blog comeback, and all of the notes about what you’re playing. I’ve got more games to report on! Also that Nintendo New Year’s Sale did me dirty. I now have a digital shelf of shame that’s bigger than my tabletop shelf of shame.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soulbound RPG - Did I ever think I’d play any version of Warhammer? Absolutely not, but here we are. And I’m actually loving it. We started in the Fall with the Starter Set but took a break for the holidays and just rebooted last week. Why do I love it? Maybe it’s just my wonderful RPG group. Maybe it’s because I’m playing Ímren Sealgaire, a 6’9” tall lady soulsucker with WITCH SIGHT. Playing with pre-gens is magical because they are so different than what I would create for myself. I also have to say it’s pretty beautiful, even though this this is not usually my vibe. I wish it was all set up in Roll20 already like Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay is from the Marketplace, but I made tokens for all of us, and we uploaded the maps and made handouts for each of the player sheets and used a community sheet that someone lovingly coded for Soulbound.
Tip-It - Do you know this game? It’s a dexterity game where you remove discs from one of 9 prongs on a teetering structure. My mom bought a Marvel edition at a discount store for $6 and my kid is obsessed. The original game has been around since the 60s. Dexterity games, especially ones I can play with a toddler, are always a win.
Tetris Effect - I was a Tetris and Dr. Mario FIEND as a child. And now they’ve made a delightful multiplayer Tetris for Switch?!? Hell yes. I exchanged Nintendo friend codes for the first time (!!!) and played with friends from work. I love the music, the aesthetic, all of it. This is gonna be my go to for awhile.
Pokemon Quest - OMG we are still playing it. Why are we still playing it?
Wordle - Have you googled Wordle yet? I’m sure you’ve played it but Google Doodles are my fav. So is sharing my Wordle result in Slack each morning (let’s be real, often at 12:10 am).
Captain Toad Treasure Tracker - A perfect game. It’s so fun to play with James. Mario (well Captain Toad) meets Monument Valley. Recommended by Luke, who is the best at recommending video games that I will actually like. There’s a cute article on Polygon from a few years ago when it was released about why Nintendo made it that I enjoyed too.
Hugo - An adorable kids game if you need something sweet to play on BGA while you hang out with friends. Imagine Casper chasing you around a board as you try and dodge him by running into side rooms.
Welcome To… - I love this game, but apparently forgot all the rules. The Ice Cream Truck variant is very distracting.
The Key: Murder at the Oakdale Club - I bought this at PAX and tried to play after eating an edible. It did not go well. I cannot admit defeat to a rulebook so I broke it open Sunday and let James pick the cards that matched my key (the clues relevant to the case solution I was working on), and he practiced making X and O marks and it was pretty cute.
Can you tell it’s been cold out? I’ve been playing soooo many games. I’ve also been running Roll20’s Instagram lately because it’s cute to see all the maps and screenshots of games people share. Follow me there and show me what you’re playing!